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Mastering Email as an Event Professional


With a wedding boom upon us and little space left in our schedules, there is no time for event professionals to get bogged down by overflowing inboxes and missed communications. You must be ready to respond to inquiries, book new leads, and keep up with client demands—none of which are easy when your emails are unmanageable!

Most people don’t consider working through a cluttered inbox as a fun way to spend their time, but it’s a small-but-significant activity that can change how you feel about your business on a day-to-day basis.

Think about it: When you know there are unread emails waiting for a response, you end up feeling the shame and guilt of not addressing them right away. But when you can glance at your inbox and know you’re not missing anything, you can focus your attention on more important matters without feeling pulled away.

If you haven’t yet mastered the art of inbox management, these tools and tips will help you create a system that allows you to wrangle the email monster once and for all.

Address the low-hanging fruit first

Most inboxes are cluttered with subscriptions and junk emails that seem like they offer value but, in reality, are only there to sell you on a product or service. First things first, perform an inbox triage by sifting through your unread emails and deleting anything you do not need or plan to read. While you’re at it, unsubscribe from any newsletters that end up in the trash unread. Even the small action of deleting an email requires you to make a decision, which can be overwhelming over time.

As you take out the trash, make it easier on yourself by maximizing the power of your inbox’s search bar. For example, say you get weekly email blasts from a local boutique but you stopped opening them a while ago. Instead of picking them out individually, search for the sender’s name and batch delete everything all at once. You’d be surprised how much progress you can make simply by doing this with a few frequent senders!

Set up your virtual filing cabinet

No emails should ever live in your inbox indefinitely—let that be your rule of thumb. An email should only linger around if it’s part of an ongoing discussion or project. Otherwise, it belongs in your virtual filing cabinet or, in other words, your folder system. An effective folder hierarchy will keep all of your emails in the right place, so you never have to worry about an important conversation going missing.

How you set it up, though, is entirely up to you. Do you prefer to categorize your main folders by year (e.g. 2022, 2021, 2020) or by department (e.g. Sales, Client Work, Finances)? There is no right or wrong answer as long as it works for you. You’re the only one spending time in your inbox, so pick a system that feels natural and easy to apply. And when in doubt, trust that the handy search bar can always bring up emails you need!

Add emails to your block schedule

Many entrepreneurs know and love block scheduling for removing distractions and focusing only on the task at hand. However, this useful technique often doesn’t factor in emails! Instead, an inbox becomes a stepping stone between tasks with constant check-ins to see if anything new has popped up.

Unfortunately, keeping your attention chained to your emails is like inviting a constant flow of interruptions to your day. Going forward, set aside one or two blocks of time each day to address emails—and stay out of your inbox the rest of the time! You will find it easier to focus and get through your significant tasks for the day, as well as stay on top of your emails without feeling stretched too thin.

Take advantage of email templates

Spending less time in your inbox doesn’t have to mean your inquiries and prospects will feel unheard. By using canned responses, you can effectively keep the communication channels open with timely responses without having to monitor your emails all day. A simple auto-responder that provides an estimated response time will do wonders for setting clear boundaries without coming across as harsh or hard to reach.

Be sure that you follow up with personal replies during the periods you’ve blocked off for emails. Since you have time dedicated solely to your inbox, you’ll be more capable of responding at length rather than feeling like you have countless other burning priorities just beyond your peripheral. That way, you’re staying in touch with your contacts and avoiding the inevitable pile-up of emails marked as unread for “later.”

These four strategies will help you ensure nothing goes unaddressed, allowing you to reclaim your schedule, your response time, and your mental wellbeing. If your inbox is currently overflowing with hundreds (or thousands) of emails, accept that it might take several days to implement this system and get situated. When you do, you’ll find more peace in your days and less of the never-ending urgency that comes with an inbox that is bursting at the seams.

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I’m an entrepreneur who’s landed speaking gigs at events like SXSW. Here’s the exact email I use to pitch myself.

I'm an entrepreneur who's landed speaking gigs at events like SXSW. Here's the exact email I use to pitch myself.
  • Jen Glantz is an entrepreneur and the founder of Bridesmaid for Hire.
  • She’s landed multiple speaking gigs by sending a specific email pitch to event organizers.
  • The email should be brief but detailed — explain your interest and share your expertise, she says.

As a solopreneur, one of the ways I’ve been able to expand my network and build up my credibility has been through speaking at events and conferences and teaching workshops at companies. This has allowed me to share my expertise in a memorable way and establish myself as a thought leader within my industry.

Jen Glantz.JPG

Six years ago, Jen Glantz took the idea of being a bridesmaid for strangers and made it a reality.

Jen Glantz

People often ask me how I was able to speak at events like the SXSW conference, at General Assembly, and at a recent virtual conference for GoDaddy. I don’t have a speaking agent and I don’t get opportunities in my inbox, but my strategy is simple: I spend an hour a month researching conferences and events that are happening later that year. Then, I send the organizers a standard pitch email.

Here’s the exact script I use when I pitch myself as a speaker for different events.

A quick introduction

When people open up an email, you only have a few seconds to impress them and convince them to keep reading the entire message. That’s why I like to start my speaker pitch emails off with a short introduction, summary, and memorable detail. 

Hi [name],

I’m [name]. It’s really wonderful to e-meet you. I’m here in your inbox because I’d love to be a speaker at [name of event] to share actionable, engaging, and unforgettable tips on [topic] with the audience. Why me? I’m [add a few lines about your credibility and what makes you unique]. Plus, [add your fun fact here or a memorial detail that makes you stand out].

A deep dive into relevant experience

Consider your speaker pitch email as not only a first impression, but as a chance to recap your credibility, speaking history, and relevant experience. Your goal is to get the person reading the email to hit reply and get to know you even better. Share three to four sentences that explain more about who you are.

For the past [number of years], I’ve worked in [share details on your industry or career path]. Through that work, [share expertise, key findings, niche topics you’ve studied, projects you’ve started, or accomplishments]. I’ve spoken to audiences that include [list speaking engagements you’ve had in the past].  

A breakdown of speaking topics 

Depending on how much you know about the event, you can pitch a few speaking topics that you think would interest the organizers. If you’re not sure what they’re looking for, share three to four topics that you’ve spoken about in the past and details on each.

I’ve spent time diving into the content of this event and feel my expertise could benefit the audience on the following topics:

  • Public speaking for introverted entrepreneurs approaching sales calls 
  • Personal branding for entrepreneurs without a huge social media following 
  • Social media tips to strategize and engage a growing audience 
  • How to handle investor rejection and turn the no’s into success 

A list of reasons why the audience would benefit 

Besides introducing who you are and what you bring to the table, it’s also important to outline what you’ll share with the audience that will make them feel like they got the most out of the event. To do this, I share a brief list of takeaways that an audience will have after they listen to me speak through direct feedback I’ve had from past speaking engagements.

By the end of my session, audience members will walk away saying:

  • “I now know how to [fill in the blank] better than before”
  • “I received clarity from an expert on [topic]”
  • “I’m feeling excited about what’s next when it comes to [topic]”
  • “This workshop on [topic] was the best one I went to at [event]”
  • “The advice [speaker’s name] shared was unique, practical, and super relevant”

A strong closing

I wrap up my pitch emails with a simple, enthusiastic summary explaining why I want to speak at that specific event and offering to share more information. 

Speaking at [name of the event] is an opportunity I’m truly passionate and excited about, especially because [give a compelling reason]. I’d love to share more information and hear about ways I can design a [workshop, speech, keynote, session] that’s perfect for the audience.

Thank you for your consideration.

All the best,


Pitching yourself as a speaker at an event can feel intimidating. If you approach your initial email with catchy details, credibility, and proof that you’d connect with the event’s audience, you’re more likely to get a response and perhaps even find yourself on their stage.